
No to meter hikes

[In response to the Aug. 16 editorial] Now has come the time that I will no longer be able to support downtown. I will miss
it dearly!

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DINING: Chancy upgrade at IUPUI eatery

Chancellor's has high aspirations, with a seasonal, locally sourced menu clearly designed to appeal more to diners on
an expense account than college students on a budget.

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Coaches, mentors often confused

[Mickey Maurer] really did a great job in [his Aug. 9 column,] “Even CEOs need mentors.” I agree that having
a mentor, or having someone to coach you, is valuable.

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GM deal promising for local automaker

Now that Bright Automotive has announced a strategic partnership [with] General Motors, we think IBJ should reconsider
the title it gave a recent article about the company (Aug 2, “Losing power?”). We’d suggest “Powering

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Attendance figures were inconsistent

I was disappointed in the lack of fair and accurate reporting in Kathleen McLaughlin’s article, “Missing the
action: Museums struggle to capture foot traffic from busy Central Canal,” which was published in the Aug. 16 edition.

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