
John Wooden essay was in poetry mag

I just came across [Bill Benner’s] touching June 14 article, and am excited to point out to you John Wooden’s
article, “The Great Scorer,” in the July/August issue of Poetry magazine.

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Crisis advice was dead-on

I want to thank you for your crisis tips in [Bruce Hetrick’s June 28 column]. You not only provided thoughtful commentary,
you helped me win an argument with the hubby.

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Right employees are critical

Good [column by Mickey Maurer in the July 12 issue]. I agree with you that the right people make all the difference
in the world.

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It takes time to appreciate soccer

I decided
to read [Bill Benner’s June 28 column]—see, whenever there is soccer involved, my blood runs faster, my pulse gallops and my
mind expands beyond reality.

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Bond swap story was valuable

I just wanted to say “well done” regarding your [July 5] article [on bond swaps]. The subject of your report
has been a topic near and dear to my heart for about two years.

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CORLEY: Help a child and who knows where he’ll go?

Consider these alarming statistics: More than 6,700 Marion County students drop out of school every single year. Dropouts
earn $9,200 less per year than high school graduates, and earn $1 million less over a lifetime than college graduates.

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