
FEIGENBAUM: Short session succeeded in doing no harm

The 2010 legislative session ended strangely: ahead of deadline, yet a week beyond the expected schedule, and the last full
day saw more mood swings among lawmakers than Indianapolis Colts fans experienced during the Super Bowl.

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We should all have Forsell’s fortitude

Sometimes we think we’re having a bad day, until we consider the plight of others. I was recently reminded of this
when I came across David Forsell’s article in the March 15 issue.

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MARCUS: Lower business taxes don’t stimulate hiring

A job is the
foundation of self-esteem, the linchpin for connecting to the community, the instrument by and through which the individual
connects with the greater international marketplace and derives the income that provides security for the family.

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MAURER: Doctor turned author is worth a read

Dr. Douglas P. Zipes, retired director of the Krannert Institute of Cardiology at Indiana University School of Medicine,
has devoted his last couple of years to scaring us half to death with his new novel, “The Black Widows.”

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Bars should cater to smokers, too

I am replying to the article in the March 1 IBJ where [Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association President
Don] Welsh made his nebulous claims that Indy’s weak smoking ban hurts his ability to market the city to visitors and
convention business.

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Praise for Marcus

I am a probably [columnist Morton Marcus’] biggest fan in Indiana whom you never have met.

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MARCUS: It’s not too late for a high-speed stimulus

“Too little, too late” is the standard objection to the economic stimulus program now in effect. That criticism
is based on opinion, not fact. It will take several years to know whether the stimulus (or stimuli, because there was more
than a single stimulus) worked.

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EDITORIAL: Citizens’ utility deal is smart move

Much work remains before the city’s water and sewer utilities are sold to Citizens Energy Group, but the general outline
of the deal makes sense and deserves support—not political posturing—as final terms are hammered out.

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