
Property taxes are out of whack

I have always found Morton Marcus’ columns both entertaining and informative. I read the Dec. 7 column, in which
Marcus seems to insinuate that property taxes were acceptable as they were and do not require modifications. As a resident
of Marion County, I could not disagree more.

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Column overlooked airport parking option

In your Nov. 2 edition, Tom Henderson weighed in on the new Indy Airport experience. One of his complaints about the new
midfield terminal was that, without competition, available parking options have you where they want you. He realized, why
complain when it is a fait accompli? There is, however, another option.

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Fix what’s broken first

As a physician, I owe it to my patients to help get health care reform right. From the front line, physicians can offer
changes that could result in more cost-effective, efficient and accessible health care. That’s why I joined the Coalition
to Protect Patients’ Rights, along with 10,000 other doctors.

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Health care issues haven’t changed much

[In response to Chris Katterjohn’s Nov. 21 column] In ’73 I was a grad student in a master’s health care
management program and the same issues were the topic of the day, especially in the econ class.

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MARCUS: Where are 108,000 missing Hoosiers?

In my fantasy world, the country singer asks, “Are you ready for some data, some labor market data, for the nation,
for the states, and for Indiana counties?” Now those are words that stir the blood and stimulate the imagination.

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MAURER: Cousin Eddie is a fine doctor and a special guy

Remember Cousin Eddie? He is the obstetrician/gynecologist in Houston I wrote about who tried to cut the mustard
in the hot dog business (“There ain’t no hog in the Yoso Dog”). He dreamed of having his own restaurant
and, against the advice of friends, he went to the dogs.

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KATTERJOHN: Indiana Achievement Awards live on

en years ago, Dodson Group CEO Jim Dodson came to IBJ with an idea to launch a program that would recognize
best practices in the not-for-profit community and reward organizations that practiced them. And not just with
a pat on the back—with hard cash.

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Literacy is a lifelong gift

It was with great interest that I read Morton Marcus’ [Nov. 30] column encouraging us to spend responsibly this holiday
season, and to “give a check to your local adult literacy program.” It was with added delight when I read Theresa
Rhodes’ column on the same page suggesting that readers consider volunteering by “helping an adult learn to read.

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