Cecil Bohanon and John Horowitz: In cooperation, expand the pie and split the gains
If two parties envision a gain from cooperation, they should first agree on the precise magnitude of that gain.
If two parties envision a gain from cooperation, they should first agree on the precise magnitude of that gain.
Why have companies opted to remove middle managers in the first place? The simple answer is lack of perceived value.
It will be easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and forget that when this election is settled, regardless of who wins, we will all go back to our Thanksgiving tables and holiday celebrations, to the board room or the break room, to sharing space at restaurants and at Pacers games and—in what might be most difficult of all—on Facebook and LinkedIn and other social media sites.
The last thing America needs is a repeat of the 2000 presidential election in which the winner was not known until five weeks after Election Day.
Before we can tackle the central issues of the Crime Victims Fund, we need to first address the harm caused by these cuts.
The next governor can encourage rural growth simply by highlighting the things that make rural Indiana towns special. Rural economies need attention.
Knight, who was introduced as Marian University’s coach in May, will coach the Knights for the first time on Friday in an exhibition game against Indiana University in Bloomington.
Fewer people in the working-age population and more older Americans mean that U.S. taxpayers may be unable to afford future Social Security benefits increases.
Candidates love to hand out “goodies” like tax reductions and tinker with the economy to curry favor with voters.
Remember, only 2% of adults creating the canvas of learning are considered creative geniuses. Have we ever stopped to consider what our children hear?
The trails and the state park expansion—along with other regional projects, some funded by the state’s Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative program—or READI grants—have provided a great start. Let’s look for even more ways to expand these opportunities.
A college credential generally leads to greater personal fulfillment and a longer lifespan. And we know that education after high school promotes deeper engagement with democracy and social issues.
Creative sectors are fueling new businesses, creating jobs and boosting our state’s competitiveness.
The 2023-2024 sports season was a prolonged goodbye for Adamson, but that was better than the abrupt ending that can befall most in the sports business.
From an academic perspective, what happened was that the leaders failed to understand the cultural human factors associated with the built environment.
Car loans aren’t like those big, long mortgages where you save tens of thousands by shaving off a percentage point or two.
One reason many American workers were worse off was because Chinese labor filled market niches that made American workers more productive.
Now, finally, they are poised to escape rebuilding purgatory and embark on an era of consistent excellence such as the franchise enjoyed from 1994-2000, when it reached the conference finals five times in a seven-year span.
Even in presidential election years like this one—when voter buzz is at its peak—Indiana still routinely has some of the lowest voter turnout rates in the nation.
The selection process for the Indiana Supreme Court is nothing like the political circus that surrounds the U.S. Supreme Court, and Hoosiers should want to keep it that way to maintain appellate courts that are as apolitical as possible.