
Energy act will hurt Indiana’s economy

A deeply concerning piece of legislation has just recently slipped through the [U.S.] House of Representatives. Although the American Clean Energy and Security Act has an appealing name and is created to improve our environment, in actuality, its passing through the Senate will cause dire problems for Hoosiers.

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Officials should redevelop prison property

After outcry from the community, the plan to turn the current Women’s Prison on the near east side into a work release
facility for male prisoners was modified to make it barely palatable. However, there’s a larger point that shouldn’t
be overlooked.

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GARNER: Urban redevelopment requires dialogue

Later this summer, architects, urban planners, economists and hydrologists from around the city and around the nation will
come to Indianapolis to begin planning for the redevelopment of the area near 22nd Street and the Monon Trail. Known
as the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team, it will work with neighborhood organizations
and city leaders to develop a renewal plan to turn this blighted area into a thriving neighborhood.

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MARCUS: Economic slump inspires platitudes galore

If the problem is that consumers and businesses
are not spending because banks aren’t lending, then government making it easier for banks to lend and consumers to spend
is a good thing. The stimulus plan is right on target.

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MAURER: My rascal cousin is back in space

At precisely 6:03 p.m. July 15, space shuttle Endeavor blasted off from launch pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center for
its scheduled linkup with the International Space Station. My cousin, Indiana astronaut David Wolf, is on board.

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EDITORIAL: Wishard’s smart planning shields taxpayers

A referendum this fall on Wishard Health Services’ plans to build a $754 million hospital will tell a lot about the
mood—and savvy—of Marion County voters. In this economy, and with government at all levels strapped
for cash, the knee-jerk reaction might be to reject such a proposal.

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Benner column provides hope

Thanks for writing such a wonderful column, full of hope and encouragement to those of us who could use
a little of that right now.

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Indianapolis Public Schools needs more than it gets

This year will be our 18th year as IPS parents. My husband and I are college graduates, upper-middle
class. He is employed full time and I’m self-employed part-time. We chose to stay in IPS
and try to make a difference for the many classmates that have no one rooting for them at home.

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FELDMANN: Don’t seek attention, generate it

In case after case, we see businesses and not-for-profit organizations launching initiatives, holding
events and undertaking other activities for the sole purpose of “awareness raising.” And
in case after case, we see that the public failed to respond the way the organization expected.

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MARCUS: Will children make good leaders?

As a quiet person, I am not likely to intrude when I run across egregious wrongs. Most often I let dastardly deeds go without
comment. Someday, I hope, I will overcome this character defect and stand up in opposition to wrongdoers.

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FEIGENBAUM: Historic milestone in gambling industry approaches

Indiana has made billions on gambling in nearly two decades, funding key programs, cutting excise and property taxes, and
avoiding tax hikes. The state has seen more than $2 billion in investment without any government incentives,
and more dollars committed in our history than by any industry outside of steel, power and autos.

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