
DINING: Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar reclaims former drug store site

Binkley’s Drug Store occupied the corner of Kessler and College from 1928 to the early
1970s. Its namesake now occupying the same spot, Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar, seems equally built
to last—a friendly neighborhood joint that glances back without wallowing in nostalgia and stays progressive without

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EDITORIAL: Daniels budget should be OK’d

Overtures Gov. Mitch Daniels has extended to the General Assembly should be sufficient to end squabbling over the budget.
Legislators ought to take the offer, pass a budget, and leave the Statehouse before they throw any more sand in the gears.

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A bit of Lauth history

Regarding the May 25 story, [“Lauth granted reprieve,”] please note that Lauth Property Group is an offshoot of the original company founded by myself and Terry Eaton in 1976. It was then known as Ernst/Eaton Associates.

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Recession toughens faith communities

I enjoyed speaking to your reporter, Kathleen McLaughlin. However, her article ["Building on a prayer," in the May 25 issue] contains an error that requires correction. The statement that "Holy Trinity Greek Christian Orthodox Church proceeded with its northward migration from 40th and Pennsylvania streets to western Carmel even though it isn’t necessarily growing"—is not […]

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Remove barriers to lower costs

By preserving residency as a condition to distribute booze, our Legislature is protecting Indiana’s existing liquor distributors, many of whom do business in neighboring states like Illinois and Michigan. This antiquated standard is anti-competitive and ultimately means higher prices and reduced selection for Indiana residents.

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