
Indianapolis needs more to-your-door delivery services

There is an essential component missing that I believe service businesses have to pay attention to and offer if they truly
consider themselves “taking care of the city [of Indianapolis] dwellers.” One of them is to-your-door delivery, especially
for food, including groceries.

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Let’s limit campaigns to public funds

The only way more ideas, more candidates, more party platforms can gain
any traction, any consideration by the public at large, would be for all political parties to receive, and run only on public

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Election of president, governor signals Hoosiers desire changes

Indiana’s blue vote for president-elect Barack Obama on Election Day was a sign that Hoosiers are ready for change. So was
the state’s red vote to keep incumbent Gov. Mitch Daniels in office. In this case, the status quo means more change. Daniels
has been making gutsy and sometimes unpopular moves since taking office four years ago. He ran on a promise to keep shaking
things up.

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ConsensusDOCs an option for construction contracts

The most heavily utilized family of standard form contracts is published by the American Institute of Architects. However,
contractors routinely criticize the AIA forms because
of a perceived bias in favor of the architect.

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