LISC facade grants aim to boost small businesses through beautification efforts
The program has awarded more than $3.1 million to Marion County businesses since 2004—which has leveraged more than $10.6 million in property owners’ investment.
The program has awarded more than $3.1 million to Marion County businesses since 2004—which has leveraged more than $10.6 million in property owners’ investment.
Maggie Lewis, who will continue serving on the council, has prior leadership experience with not-for-profits.
Carriage House East, which houses 2,000, was a for-profit property until Glick restructured ownership of the complex in 2016 to give it a social service mission.
The former chief of staff of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles will replace Pat Wachtel, who retired in January after overseeing the organization for 11 years.
Median household incomes have dropped in a full third of Indianapolis ZIP codes since 2000. Inequality is growing across the city.
A convicted prostitute who had a 40-year administrative career at Lilly Endowment Inc. secretly worked with a prominent Florida pastor to defraud the Indianapolis-based charitable foundation out of tens of thousands of dollars, the Tampa Bay Times reported last week.
Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana plans to use the grant from the State Department of Health to deliver nutritious food in areas of Indiana with large populations of people infected with the virus that causes AIDS.
The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation awarded $230,000 to the Indiana State Medical Association this week to develop the app and an accompanying podcast.
Mayor Jim Brainard’s vision to turn Carmel into a performing arts hub anchored by a world-class concert hall has come true, but without the support of central Indiana’s most important arts funder.
The Indianapolis-based private foundation announced Wednesday that Robert L. Smith will succeed Wallace “Ace” Yakey Jr., who is retiring June 30 after serving in the position since 2012.
The effects of Habitat home ownership include increased higher education attainment, better financial security and reduced stress.
While it weighs what to do with its multimillion-dollar Asherwood donation, the Great American Songbook Foundation has been selected to participate in the American Alliance of Museum’s Museum Assessment Program.
Super Service Challenge, a national not-for-profit aimed at helping charities raise money and in-kind contributions, is launching a new e-platform designed by Indianapolis-based Sells Group meant to connect companies, volunteers and not-for-profits in a whole new way.
The program, which Cummins is describing as its “most ambitious community initiative ever,” is called Cummins Powers Women.
Carmel philanthropists and sisters Deborah Simon and Cindy Simon Skjodt have become big-time campaign donors this election cycle.
The Indianapolis not-for-profit helps prepare African-American youth in the fourth grade and higher for academic and career success.
A three-way partnership substantially brightens the future of the venue, which has offered minimal programming in recent years and badly needs upgrades.
An Indianapolis law firm is hoping to boost what’s known as “social entrepreneurship” in central Indiana by bringing together people who want to both generate a profit and improve society with their business endeavors.
The goal of the program is to provide care for a patient’s overall physical, mental and spiritual well-being, including pain management, at-home support, nutrition assistance and help with navigating financial issues.
Charities are waiting to see whether new tax changes, which will reduce the number of Americans who qualify to lower their federal tax bills by using a deduction for giving, will also reduce donations.