
Hospitality industry embraces Second Helpings grads

Second Helpings—which rescues perishable food from grocery stores, hotels and restaurants and turns it into meals delivered to shelters and community centers—also teaches people the basics of food handling and preparation. Its free, 10-week training program boasts a job-placement rate of 85 percent to 95 percent within 30 days of completion.

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City-County councilor, two others indicted in scheme to defraud

A City-County Council member and two associates persuaded an Indiana physician to invest $1.7 million in their foundation and an ethanol-production business they said would fund it, but instead spent the money on personal luxuries, according to a federal indictment filed late Tuesday.

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Grand jury indicts City-County Councilor Paul Bateman

The indictment charges the Democrat and associates used a charitable foundation to obtain money from a doctor that was to be used for investments, but instead went toward vehicles, entertainment and travel for themselves and others.

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