
New Republican councilor beat long odds

Republican Jeff Miller's wife died three months before the Nov. 8 election, but he kept campaigning for City-County Council—and won in a district that leans Democratic against an incumbent.

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EDITORIAL: Political gridlock unwelcome here

Now that roughly 30 percent of the city’s registered voters have determined who will lead the city the next four years, we have some advice for Mayor Greg Ballard and the newly elected City-County Council: Keep your victory in perspective.

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Republicans plan early strategy to win back Indiana

Indiana Republicans took their first presidential loss in 40 years when Barack Obama carried the state. To return the state to the GOP column and nail it there, national Republicans say they plan to treat Indiana as if it were a long-standing battleground state.

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Ballard, Kennedy add more than $1M in campaign funds

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy each raised more than $1 million in the most recent seven-month reporting period and are neck-in-neck in the amount of campaign money they have on hand.

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Tea party sees Lugar as best target in Senate

The tea party movement’s best remaining hope in 2012 for picking off an incumbent Republican in the Senate has boiled down to one state, Indiana, where six-term Sen. Richard Lugar still faces a challenge from the right.

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