
Indicted Indiana official resists calls to step down

Secretary of State Charlie White, the man whose job is to maintain the integrity of Indiana's elections, ignored mounting calls for him to step down or resign after his indictment Thursday on charges he broke the laws he's supposed to enforce.

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Bauer returns to Indy to meet with Bosma

The leader of House Democrats who left Indiana over bills they disagreed with has returned to the state and met with the Republican House speaker — but their talks ended with no agreement on ending the weeklong Statehouse standoff.

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Indiana private-school voucher bill faces changes

To win solid support for the bill from his own caucus, House Speaker Brian Bosma said Republicans are considering limiting the number of students who could receive vouchers and may further restrict qualifying income levels.

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Indiana official out of job after ‘live ammo’ tweet

An Indiana deputy attorney general "is no longer employed" by the state after Mother Jones magazine reported he tweeted that police should use live ammunition against Wisconsin labor protesters, the attorney general's office said Wednesday.

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Democrats delay state House action amid union protests

Democratic legislators are staying away from the Indiana House chamber, blocking the Republican majority from conducting business while hundreds of union members crowd the adjourning hallways in protest of a contentious labor bill.

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Union protests at Statehouse on GOP proposals

The future of the bill drawing the strongest ire of the union members remained uncertain as a Republican committee chairman said a decision had not been made on whether so-called right-to-work legislation would be considered this session.

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Daniels finishes low in weekend straw poll

The Indiana governor received just 4 percent of the vote among potential Republican presidential candidates at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But an IUPUI political science professor says the weak showing shouldn’t dissuade Daniels’ supporters.

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