
Abortion showdown looms for Indiana

The willingness of Indiana to challenge the federal government and risk a huge financial penalty could take the issue into uncharted legal and political territory.

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Governor’s race shaping up to be entertaining

Indiana’s 2012 gubernatorial race features two strong front runners. Democrat John Gregg is a gregarious and folksy former House Speaker. Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Pence is an outspoken and articulate conservative.

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Daniels’ wife mum about White House plans

Cheri Daniels’ speech Thursday night, closely watched because it was a rare high-profile appearance at a political setting for a woman known for her aversion to the spotlight, focused on topics such as her love of the state fair and all things farming.

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Contentious bills complicate possible Daniels bid

As Indiana's Republican governor mulls a presidential run in 2012, his home state is becoming a showcase of conservative ideas, poised to create the nation's broadest private school voucher system and become the first to cut off all government funding for Planned Parenthood.

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Indiana poised to cut Planned Parenthood funding

The Indiana House voted 66-32 Wednesday to approve a bill cutting the $3 million in federal money the state distributes to the organization for family planning and health programs. The Senate approved the measure earlier this month.

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Judge orders Indiana recount chief into court

A judge Monday ordered the head of the Indiana Recount Commission to appear before him this week to explain why the panel has not moved more quickly in considering whether Republican Secretary of State Charlie White was a valid candidate when he won election last fall.

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