
Bailing out big spenders

Obama is going wobbling on forcing fiscal responsibility on states, and Hoosiers might get stuck with the bill.

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Baucus health reform bill draws fire in Indiana, too

The health insurance industry’s sudden counterpunch to the Senate version of health reform echoed in Indiana and
opened a key issue for the rest of the debate: Will covering half of the country’s uninsured mean raising premiums for
the 85 percent of Americans who already have insurance?

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Panel discusses possible changes in redistricting

An interim legislative committee is likely to recommend that new guidelines be established for Indiana lawmakers to follow
when they redraw legislative and congressional maps in 2011, a state senator said Tuesday.

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Rokita proposes new plan for redistricting

Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita pitched a plan today that would make it illegal for lawmakers to consider political
data when redrawing congressional and legislative district maps.

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Are Indiana Dems brain-dead?

Now that another General Assembly is mercifully behind us, itâ??s a good time to raise a festering question
about the lopsided nature of ideas bantered about the Statehouse in recent years.

Gov. Mitch Daniels has driven a wide-ranging agenda characterized by…

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Goldsmithâ??s latest venture

Former Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith, never one to let grass grow under his feet, has started a not-for-profit
with one-time presidential candidate Howard Dean to promote Goldsmithâ??s pet cause of public-private partnerships.

The Council of Project Finance Advisors aims…

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