New president is a sign of hope
The election for me was like looking up for a change instead of having a spiral-down feeling, which was good.
The election for me was like looking up for a change instead of having a spiral-down feeling, which was good.
The only way more ideas, more candidates, more party platforms can gain
any traction, any consideration by the public at large, would be for all political parties to receive, and run only on public
Smoking in public places is in retreat across the country, and now Charlie Brown, the state representative
from Gary, wants to ban it in bars, casinos and other enclosed places in Indiana.
Brown plans to introduce a bill during…
Could Gov. Mitch Daniels run for president in 2012?
Mitch Daniels has plenty of reason to feel good about himself these days.
Last week, he won reelection in a landslide after cutting a wake through a change-averse state, and without
going negative on his opponent, Jill Long Thompson.
Daniels also needs…
For the first time in more than 40 years, Indiana helped elect a Democratic president.
Sen. Barack Obama’s election and call for change and hope, as well as Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels’ re-election after
dramatic changes, shows that Americans can become successful again.
Change agents Barack Obama and Mitch Daniels won over Hoosiers yesterday, but from different ends of the
political spectrum.
Barack Obama took the state after a campaign in which he promised to increase regulations on business, raise
taxes on…
Whatever costume you wore on Halloween, let Joe the Plumber, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Tyrannosaurus Rex, President
Bush, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Sgt. Joe Friday and other characters of this election cycle continue to spark a lively
dialogue with your friends, family and neighbors.
Republican Sen. John McCain has been unable to achieve the same Indiana fund-raising edge on his Democratic opponent that
President George W. Bush did in past elections. Bush rang up an Indiana fund-raising advantage of $1.7 million over Sen. John
Kerry in 2004, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. And his popularity in Indiana allowed
him to spend those dollars to help him campaign in other states while easily winning Indiana’s electoral
votes. But this election, Sen. Barack Obama had outraised Republican John McCain by $360,000 through the end of August, when
McCain’s decision to take public campaign funds forced him to stop raising funds directly for himself.
Obama did not take public funds, and so has continued to raise money.
In this year’s election cycle, the policy watchword is "change." But amid the partisan debate, another type of
change is revolutionizing the way candidates track voters and spread messages. Communication tools like
text messaging, social networking and YouTube are increasingly integral to successful politics.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jill Long Thompson promises to buoy Indiana’s slumping rural counties with a three-tiered
incentive plan. Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels has a different vision for stoking the state economy. He wants to build on Indiana’s
strengths–such as world-class research at universities–to innovate and create jobs.
Jerry Handfield hasnâ??t lived in Indiana since 2001, when he moved to Washington to take a similar job overseeing
that stateâ??s archives.
But Handfield still keeps tabs on Indiana. So much so that he checks the Weather Channel when tornadoes
Yet another poll shows the contest between John McCain and Barack Obama as too close to call in Indiana.
The WISH-TV Channel 13 survey has each with 46 percent of likely voters.
With margins like this, the election could…
Thereâ??s no time like an election to make politicians nervous about taking a stand on a controversial issue,
and this afternoonâ??s House vote on the $700 billion bailout plan is no exception.
Many Republicans and some Democrats, leery about facing voters…
If any governor were vulnerable to a strong challenge in a re-election campaign, it should have been Mitch
Daniels, who has made a lot of Hoosiers mad by pushing daylight saving time, leasing the Indiana Toll Road
and in general…
Sarah Palin won rave reviews for her speech last night at the Republican National Convention, as did Barack
Obama when he closed the Democratic convention last week.
This morning, the Associated Press quoted Democratic Party leaders in Indiana as saying Palin…
Mitch Daniels ran for governor four years ago promising to shake things up, and it would be hard to argue
that he hasnâ??t followed through.
Daylight saving time passed. Cigarette taxes were raised to fund health insurance. Property taxes were reformed.
Barack Obama is expected to announce his vice presidential running mate any day now, and Evan Bayhâ??s name
is still thought to be on the short list.
The Indiana senator is viewed as a moderate who would counter Obamaâ??s liberal voting…
The Democratic primary race between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and winner Barack Obama attracted
so much attention that the Indiana governorâ??s race got short shrift â?? and the governorâ??s race still isnâ??t
getting the respect it deserves.
Thatâ??s how Jim Schellinger…