
Gay-marriage ban off ballot at least until 2016

Opponents of an effort to place Indiana’s gay marriage ban in the state constitution won a surprising victory Thursday as the Senate effectively pushed off a statewide vote on the issue for at least two years, and possibly longer.

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Analysts say health care law means fewer on job

Several million American workers will cut back their hours on the job or leave the nation's workforce entirely because of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, congressional analysts said Tuesday.

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U.S. Senate sends massive farm bill to Obama

The sweeping farm bill that Congress sent to President Obama Tuesday has something for almost everyone, from the nation's 47 million food stamp recipients to Southern peanut growers, Midwest corn farmers and the maple syrup industry in the Northeast.

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Same-sex marriage battle could focus on language

The success of a sparsely-worded constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage could hinge on whether lawmakers remove a key sentence expanding its reach, House and Senate Republican leaders said Tuesday.

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IBJ rolls out politics website

The central Indiana business news authority has elevated the idea behind its popular Forefront section and created a website similarly focused on commentary about politics, policy and government.

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Pence pleads for end to medical device tax

Republican Gov. Mike Pence wrote a letter Monday urging members of the U.S. Senate to vote to repeal the medical device tax that is helping to finance Obamacare. But the Senate on Monday night voted not to repeal the tax, with all 54 Democrats voting to keep it.

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Shutdown orders issued as Congress misses deadline

For the first time in nearly two decades, the federal government staggered into a partial shutdown Monday at midnight after congressional Republicans demanded changes in the nation's health care law and President Barack Obama and Democrats refused.

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