
Donnelly gets his pick for Indiana Democratic chairman

Democratic Party officials announced that veteran Capitol Hill staffer John Zody was the only person to meet Wednesday's deadline to be considered for the chairmanship when the state central committee votes on its leadership Saturday.

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Lawmakers see atmosphere shift inside Indiana Statehouse

The first half of this year’s General Assembly session has been much quieter, at least partly because of election victories in November that gave Republicans a larger House majority, preventing new Democratic walkouts from stopping legislative action.

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Let the sequester begin: Senate fails to block spending cuts

The $85 billion in across-the-board federal cuts are set to kick off on Friday, but will fall into place gradually over several months. The Obama administration has pulled back on its earlier warnings of long lines developing quickly at airports and teacher layoffs affecting classrooms.

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GOP House blocks Dems’ push for Pence tax-cut vote

House Republicans blocked a vote Thursday on Gov. Mike Pence's proposed tax cut, fending off — at least for now — an attempt by Democrats to force them into the awkward position of rejecting one of the new GOP governor's top legislative priorities.

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Bill to ban Indiana teacher union deductions advances

Republicans sparked protests from teachers and union officials Tuesday by pushing legislation through a House committee that would bar Indiana schools from automatically deducting union dues from teacher paychecks, an issue that critics thought was off the table this year.

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Pence sworn in as Indiana’s 50th governor

Mike Pence, the former six-term Republican congressman from Columbus, used his inaugural address from a Statehouse balcony in front of a crowd of supporters and state officials to call upon all residents to help better the state.

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Ballard nixes new redistricting plan for Council

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Friday vetoed a City-County Council redistricting plan, likely setting the stage for a lengthy court battle. He wants to stick with the lines drawn by Republicans in late 2011, before newly elected Democrats took control.

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No deal in sight as deadline for fiscal cliff nears

Lawmakers are engaged in a playground game of "who goes first," daring each political party to let the year end without resolving a Jan. 1 confluence of higher taxes and deep spending cuts that could rattle a recovering, but-still-fragile economy.

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