Journalism group cancels 2024 convention in Indy, citing budget crisis
Membership at the Society of Professional Journalists has fallen from more than 10,000 a decade ago to about 4,100 this year.
Membership at the Society of Professional Journalists has fallen from more than 10,000 a decade ago to about 4,100 this year.
Al Carroll will be IndyHub’s next president and CEO, the organization announced Tuesday. The not-for-profit is a connector for young professional Indianapolis residents and newcomers.
The MIBOR Realtor Association on Thursday announced that Shelley Specchio will become CEO on Feb. 1, succeeding the retiring Steve Sullivan.
If approved, the new chamber will be called OneZone. The combined organization would have about 1,200 members.
The chairman of the Federal Reserve is scheduled to speak at the Economic Club of Indiana’s Oct. 1 meeting, an event that should put Indianapolis in the national spotlight given the Fed’s recent and controversial decision to try to stimulate the economy.
Group support of ISO pulls in first-time donors.
Design-build process is considered to be too costly.
Education reformers dramatically outspent opponents on lobbying, advertising and grass-roots campaigning during the past legislative session.
The slow economy is hurting progress on an endowment that would help pro bono lawyers repay debt.
The third annual Innovation Showcase is getting a boost from a partnership between the Venture Club of Indiana and tech social group Verge.
The first building of a new complex on near-north side is set to be completed in August
After years of advocating pro-business positions, many chambers are taking the next step and issuing endorsements in hopes of ensuring business-friendly mayors get elected.
Physicians are regarded as smart, successful and helpful when you’re sick—but not usually as a big driver of the economy. Now, however, physician trade groups are arguing that docs are good for business too.
The Center for the Performing Arts is launching its own young professionals networking group called “The Scene.”
The Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association is putting together an all-star corporate consortium to make the city
a hub for medical and life sciences conventions, meetings and trade shows. The ICVA began running the initiative
full-speed this year and already has signed deals to bring 40 medical meetings to Indianapolis through 2015, including annual
meetings for the American Association of Diabetes Educators in 2012 and the American College of Sports Medicine and American
Chemical Society in 2013.
Jean Wojtowicz, executive director of the Indiana Statewide Certified Development Corp., has been elected to chair the National
Association of Development Companies, or NADCO, board of directors.
IndyHub, the city’s young professionals network, will launch a new Web site, circlingthecity.com, to pique the interest of out-of-towners who are being recruited by local companies.
Last week’s story on page 5A should have stated that the Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the Stanley
K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series since 1976.