
Headhunter: Market not so bad

A corporate recruiter says employers in Indianapolis arenâ??t acting like their counterparts elsewhere in the
country, if headlines are to be believed.

The employment market here has stayed fairly resilient, says Steve Mattei, a partner in Pinnacle Partners

Pinnacle specializes in…

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Cheering up the real estate crowd

Imagine being asked to speak to a crowd hit by the biggest downturn in its industry in decades, and motivate
them to get back out there and keep selling. Or try to sell.

Thatâ??s what Dan Lappin faces when he speaks…

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Taxing lawyers, docs, Realtors

Your lawyer probably isnâ??t complaining. Neither would your doctor, Realtor or accountant.

In all the talk about reforming property taxes, hardly a word has been said about shifting some of the
property tax burden to services.

That means some of the most…

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