
Teachers, students facing new state standards

Indiana teachers and students starting the new school year will have to quickly get up to speed on the state's new academic standards, drafted only months ago to replace the national Common Core standards.

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Education battle flares between Ritz, Pence

Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz accused Gov. Mike Pence's education staff and appointees to the State Board of Education of trying to "undermine" her efforts to secure a waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

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Report: School counselors doing less counseling

A new report finds school counselors in Indiana are focusing an increasing amount of time on work that’s not associated with their primary roles as advisers and less time helping kids deal with life issues or college and job preparation.

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Indiana: Feds delayed No Child Left Behind report

Indiana Department of Education officials said Tuesday that they expected to hear about concerns with the state's No Child Left Behind waiver last fall, but federal monitors delayed releasing the report until last month without explanation.

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