
Opportunists hunt deals in commercial real estate

Just about every player in the real estate business—whether individual investor, private-equity fund or publicly
traded company—is trying to raise capital to take advantage of what they see as an inevitable shakeout in commercial

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EDITORIAL: Project near MSA may be worth the risk

The city has unveiled a dramatic plan for new housing and retail development to revitalize the old Market Square Arena site.
Despite some shortcomings, the project deserves a chance to give the stagnant area a boost.

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$65M downtown development deal raises questions

A $65 million public-private plan for the redevelopment of a vacant downtown office building is raising eyebrows for its unusual
approach and potential risk to taxpayers. The plan calls for a private developer to acquire the former Bank One operations
center, surface parking lots and an adjacent
parking garage from a private owner for $18.5 million, then sell the 1,680-space garage to the city for $18.5 million.

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M&I Plaza, only 30-percent occupied, may sell at cut-rate price

A local real estate developer has emerged as a top contender to buy the 28-story M&I Plaza–potentially at half the
$50 million price the building fetched a decade ago. Paul Kite Co. confirmed it is in talks with Maryland-based
CapitalSource Inc., which took over the struggling office tower in June after foreclosing on a $5 million
mezzanine loan.

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Marsh sues Roche over sublease deal

Two giants of local business are preparing to slug it out in court over a soured sublease deal. Marsh Supermarkets filed
suit in Hamilton County this month to enforce a deal with Swiss pharmaceutical and medical-equipment powerhouse
Roche to sublease the grocer’s entire 148,000-square-foot headquarters in Fishers. The deal, worth more
than $47 million over 18 years, is one of the largest of its kind in central Indiana in years.

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Ralston Square development lures bar, hotel, bowling alley

A trendy bar and an upscale hotel have agreed to anchor the 11-story Ralston Square project slated for South Street between
Meridian and Pennsylvania streets. The developers of the $60 million mixed-use project are moving forward after landing the
tenants necessary to secure a loan commitment, said Brian Epstein, president of locally based Urban Space Commercial Properties
and a partner on the project.

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Market Tower owners put it up for bid despite tough market

The owners of Market Tower–the city’s fourth-tallest skyscraper–tried to sell the 31-story building this month but apparently
were unable to generate bids that met expectations. The timing of the sale–at a point when financing large deals is difficult–suggests
the owners may be eager to unload the asset.

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National City Center nabs Veolia

Paris-based utilities giant Veolia Water has reached a deal to move its North American headquarters into the 16-story National
City Center, providing a boost to a downtown building still reeling from the loss of Simon Property Group Inc.

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