
Indianapolis entrepreneurs rescue Choc-Ola from oblivion

The chocolate beverage Choc-Ola, launched in the 1940s and pitched to a generation of fans in the 1970s by Cowboy Bob on WTTV-4, is hitting store shelves again. South-side entrepreneurs Dan Iaria and Joe Wolfla are leading its comeback, landing an 18-state distribution deal.

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Ratio finishing City Market design work

The architectural firm is set to be awarded a $120,000 contract to complete the work after the original designer of the renovations, Woollen Molzen and Partners Inc., disbanded last month.

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Common sense might not keep you from being carded

The revised law that takes effect July 1 requires that only those who appear to be younger than 40 show ID when buying alcohol. But some retailers who embraced the stricter provisions say they're not ready to give customers the benefit of the doubt.

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