
Lessons learned in the northern ‘burbs

IBJ’s experiment with place-based business news couldn’t have come at a better time—just as the fast-growing communities north of 96th Street began to emerge from the depths of the recession and look to the future.

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Reservoir opponents warn of impact on rare wetland

Kevin Tungesvick, a local restoration ecologist, said the proposed $350 million Mounds Lake Reservoir would inundate the Mounds Fen State Nature Preserve, which features a wetland that formed following the last ice age.

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Noblesville bakery-cafe setting up shop in Zionsville

Rosie’s Place, a popular downtown Noblesville café and bakery, plans to open a second location this year in Zionsville’s Village business district. Its expanded kitchen will serve as a production hub for Rosie’s wholesale goodies.

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Mass transit bill creates fuzzy path forward

Local governments finally have the authority to build a mass-transit system, but they also have work to do and questions to answer before they can ask voters to pay for new rapid-transit lines and expanded bus service.

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