
New rules aim to keep tax revenue flowing

Officials in Fishers and Noblesville have taken steps to protect their commercial tax bases, which are  increasingly important as municipalities cope with the financial realities of the state’s property tax caps. Have they gone too far?

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Friday fun: Nickel Plate Arts Weekend

The Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau came up with the ongoing Nickel Plate Arts initiative to support and promote arts experiences in an area stretching from Fishers to Tipton.

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Cummins looking to build downtown Indy offices

Cummins Inc. wants to expand its downtown Indianapolis presence and is searching for land to construct an office building that would double the space the Fortune 500 company occupies in the city, several local office brokers said.

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Friday fun: Exploring standout suburban restaurants

Few things are as fun for me as trying a new restaurant—or revisiting an old favorite.But I never realized how Indianapolis-centric my choices were until this spring, when the Indy Star and Indy Monthly both compiled lists of gotta-go restaurants.

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Sierra Club puts Harding coal plant in crosshairs

The Sierra Club wants the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to block an IPL plan to spend $511 million on pollution controls at its 39-year-old Harding Street plant, plus a four-unit station in the southwestern Indiana town of Petersburg.

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Explanations vary for dearth of women in top rungs of business

Of 112 public and large private-company CEOs, only four are women, although women make up 47 percent of Indiana's work force. The four Indiana companies with a woman as CEO at the end of 2012—Bioanalytical Systems, Fortune Industries, Defender Direct and HP Products Corp.—were among a tiny group nationwide with women at the helm.

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