
Mission change for Atterbury may mean new jobs

An Indiana military institution that has been a training site for thousands of deploying troops is getting a new name and a new peacetime mission. Officials say changes could someday lead to hundreds of computer-training jobs.

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State ties higher ed funding to results

With fewer state dollars coming with more strings, Indiana’s public universities are altering their strategies in big and small ways to receive as much money as possible from the state.

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Madison County considers new reservoir on White River

Economic development officials are proposing a $300 million reservoir on the White River about 50 miles northeast of Indianapolis that would be a catalyst for new investments and jobs and would include marinas, boat docks and restaurants.

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ITT fights to stem tumbling enrollment

A federal investigation and a shareholder lawsuit are the latest headwinds to threaten ITT Educational Services Inc., which is trying to reverse a precipitous decline in enrollment.

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