
Columbus ends private use of city-owned cars

Officials are putting the brakes on personal use of city-owned vehicles as part of an effort Mayor Kristen Brown says will save the city thousands and send a message about fiscal responsibility to taxpayers.

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Plant upgrades might cost IPL nearly $1 billion

New federal mercury-reduction regulations may force Indianapolis Power & Light to spend nearly $1 billion to upgrade its coal-fired electric plants scattered around Indiana. Duke Energy is mulling everything from plant upgrades to shutting down older units.

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Firm finds opportunity helping employers with hiring

Rushville-based Barada Associates Inc. specializes in helping business clients make good hiring decisions—services that have become more popular as companies find themselves inundated with eager applicants looking for work.

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Zionsville might pass on full-day kindergarten funds

Superintendent Scott Robison informally recommended in March that the school system take a pass on the new funding because it still does not fully cover the costs required to expand its kindergarten program from half days to full days.

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Angel Learning’s founder thinking big again

IT professor Ali Jafari, who netted Indiana University $23 million on its $130,000 investment in his Angel Learning when it sold three years ago, recently launched CourseNetworking, which allows learners across the globe to connect and chat around shared interests and class subjects.

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