
New home sales likely rose in March

The Commerce Department's report on new home sales Friday is forecast to show a 7.1 percent increase to a seasonally adjusted
annual rate of 330,000, according to economists polled by Thomson Reuters. That's up from an all-time low of 308,000 in

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Tax-break deadline spurs spec homes in Parade

This spring’s Parade of Home is being held about two weeks earlier than normal to help builders lure homebuyers who want to
take advantage of federal incentives intended to give the residential real estate market a boost. Builders also are taking
chances on more spec homes.

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Lugar Tower project delayed by lack of tax credits

Renovation of apartment building owned by the Indianapolis Housing Agency will have to wait, after it failed to receive the
necessary federal backing to fund it. Three other IHA projects, including Caravelle Commons, will move forward, however.

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Former Summit House apartment tower sold

The landmark apartment building at 38th and Meridian streets formerly known as Summit House has been purchased by a pair of Chicago investors who plan to invest  “a significant amount of capital” into the 20-story tower.

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