
Retail sales rise more than expected

The government’s report came as a surprise because the nation’s retailers have been reporting generally lackluster results
for the start of the holiday shopping season.

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Marsh, then and now

Now that Marsh Supermarkets is being run like a real business, has the shopping experience changed?

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Revived Marsh Supermarkets goes up for sale

Florida-based Sun Capital has completed the turnaround of Marsh Supermarkets and now is seeking a buyer
for the home-grown chain. CEO Frank Lazaran told IBJ Sun will sell Marsh “when the market is right, financing
is right, and
someone is willing to pay a fair multiple.”

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General Growth’s refinancing plan could thwart Simon

General Growth Properties Inc., the nation’s second-largest shopping mall operator, said lenders have agreed
to restructure about $9.7 billion in debt. The agreements could put a damper on the acquisition aspirations of rival Simon
Property Group Inc.

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Holiday shopping off to mildly encouraging start

After shoppers gave retailers a somewhat encouraging start to the holiday shopping season, stores now turn their attention
to the online promotions known as Cyber Monday and bringing back customers the rest of the season.

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