
Apple buyout in ChaCha’s future?

Apple has applied for a patent that sounds pretty familiar to the folks at Carmel-based ChaCha Search Inc. Enough so that ChaCha founder Scott Jones has suggested that his business is well-suited for an acquisition by one of the largest companies in the world.

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Indiana-born coat-checking firm gains steam after ‘Shark Tank’ appearance

Derek Pacqu&eacute, who started CoatChex in 2010, appeared a year ago on the ABC show in which entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to prominent investors. Billionaire Mark Cuban offered to invest but wanted a large ownership stake. Pacqu&eacute said no, and has since grown his company.

But really, he said, the company is doing just fine without the billionaire.

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Health law fuels modest rise in costs

It’s long been known that Obamacare would make health benefits more expensive for most employers. Now, it’s finally becoming clearer by how much: about 9 percent, on average, according to a series of actuarial studies.

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Carmel firm’s bird feeders perched in 2,700 Walmarts

Sisters Jan Long and Chris Mowery had little more than an idea in 1995 when they trekked to Kmart’s corporate headquarters to pitch a product they thought had potential: a recyclable bird feeder their father had designed to promote his plastics business. They left with their first big contract.

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Tech companies building a charitable niche

An emerging group of software companies focused on serving charities—combined with the fact the city is home to the only philanthropy college in the country—could make the area a hotbed for an often-ignored area of business.

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