
INSIDE DISH: Smokers’ haven prepares for ban

Dish Mass Ave Pub watch videoMass Avenue Pub survived a two-year hiatus in the mid-2000s after a massive infrastructure collapse. Its owners think going smokeless on Friday will be a comparative breeze, even though 65 percent of their clientele like to light up.

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Mentors give entrepreneurs a business boost

Good mentors can make a world of difference to up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Countless business owners find themselves in need of a gut check from time to time and, these days, mentors are an essential part of their toolkit.

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For graying generation, startups are booming

Since the 1990s, the demographic makeup of new entrepreneurs has been steadily shifting toward baby boomers as they seek personal and financial fulfillment. Count Fountain Square Brewing Co.’s Bill Webster among them.

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Biz boosters embrace One Click, but it’s no sure thing

Husband-and-wife entrepreneurs Randy and Angie Stocklin started Greenwood-based One Click Ventures out of their home with $20,000 in 2005. They now own a portfolio of niche retail websites, including, and, which brought $5.3 million in revenue last year.

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Chamber to merge with economic development groups

The Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce will lead economic development efforts for central Indiana by merging with Develop Indy, Indy Partnership and Business Ownership Initiative, the groups announced Thursday.

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Former Pac-Van owners return to mobile office biz

Brent and Matthew Claymon have founded OnSite Space LLC and acquired Indianapolis-based Tyson Corp., to form OnSite Space by Tyson. The brothers sold Pac-Van in 2006 and have returned to the industry after their five-year non-compete expired.

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Digital textbook firm Courseload raises millions

The Indianapolis-based digital textbook company Courseload completed a new round of fundraising in April that its CEO says gives the company the cash it needs to keep landing new university customers in what has become a fast-growing but hyper-competitive field.

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Progress spotty in narrowing tech field’s gender gap

Most technology firm startups are birthed by men in their 20s and 30s who have a background in computer science. To what degree women are underrepresented in the ranks of tech entrepreneurs is hard to quantify, but it’s a small universe.

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