
Venture for America aims to help startups

Modeled after the Teach for America program that trains recent college grads for two-year stints as educators, the initiative would put other graduates to work at fledgling companies.

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Apple’s Jobs lived entrepreneurial dream

The director of IU’s Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation said Steve Jobs “epitomized the revolutionary genius that through hard work, determination and a maverick spirit, our world can be changed by one person.”

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What does Facebook tell your banker?

In addition to the expected factors like a potential borrower’s credit history and business plan, lenders increasingly are weighing intangibles such as moral character.

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Big ambitions for small planning firm

Eden Collaborative, the three-man company Adam Thies founded in 2004, is working to revitalize St. Clair Place on Indianapolis’ east side, among other projects.

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IU launches $250K student biz-plan competition

A group of 10 investors created a $1.1 million fund to support $250,000 in annual prize money to Indiana University students in Bloomington who submit the best business plans for an Internet or software company.

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Columbia Club nudges aside one foundation, forms second

The Columbia Club has formed a not-for-profit, the Columbia Club Historic Preservation Foundation, to preserve its 1924 building on Monument Circle. The 28-year-old Columbia Club Foundation already exists for the same purpose, and its fate is now unclear.

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Critics: Patent overhaul could hurt startups

When the Senate passed legislation last week overhauling the U.S. patent system, large multinational corporations like Eli Lilly and Co. rejoiced. But small-business advocates cried foul, saying the changes would put innovative startups at a disadvantage.

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