
Indianapolis entrepreneurs rescue Choc-Ola from oblivion

The chocolate beverage Choc-Ola, launched in the 1940s and pitched to a generation of fans in the 1970s by Cowboy Bob on WTTV-4, is hitting store shelves again. South-side entrepreneurs Dan Iaria and Joe Wolfla are leading its comeback, landing an 18-state distribution deal.

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City proposes stricter towing rules

A proposed ordinance would crack down on “predatory” towing practices by requiring tow-truck operators to adhere to several rules meant to protect consumers.

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Ratio finishing City Market design work

The architectural firm is set to be awarded a $120,000 contract to complete the work after the original designer of the renovations, Woollen Molzen and Partners Inc., disbanded last month.

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News on jobs and broadband

Indiana isn't doing as well as neighboring states in recovering from the recession, and adoption of high-speed Internet varies widely in the Indianapolis area, new studies show.

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