
General Assembly is shame of Indiana

When we read that all the Democrats in the House voted against all the Republicans in the House on a given issue, we know independence has been cruelly killed by the leadership of each party. The same applies to the Senate.

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State offices could use some fixing, too

Although the Kernan-Shepard report focused on local government efficiencies, it is also clear that the management of Indiana’s
public resources and assets at the regional and state level has not kept pace with the technological and socioeconomic advances
of the last century.

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Workplace smoking policies move backward

The bill in question seems like a long shot. It would abdicate government’s responsibility for protecting citizens’ health
and safety, and place it in the hands of individual business owners.

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Stimulus talk creates uncertainty at Statehouse

Stimulus talk continues to dominate discussion at the Indiana Statehouse, creating indecision for lawmakers who were supposed to be devoting their full attention to assembling a two-year budget under difficult economic circumstances.

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Kenley to lead GOP budget negotiations

In the wake of the 2008 election, State Sen. Luke Kenley, R-Noblesville, has been promoted. to chairman of the powerful Senate
Appropriations Committee, which oversees the state budget.

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