Holcomb opts for team of veterans
All but a handful of the nearly 50 agency heads, cabinet members and key staff members Holcomb has selected worked in either the Daniels or Pence administrations—or both.
All but a handful of the nearly 50 agency heads, cabinet members and key staff members Holcomb has selected worked in either the Daniels or Pence administrations—or both.
Critics say the bill would effectively wipe out a key financial incentive for homeowners and businesses to install rooftop solar systems and windmills.
An Indiana lawmaker says disturbing newscasts of chaotic and sometimes violent protests across the United States helped lead him to propose a bill that would direct police to use "any means necessary" to break up mass gatherings that block traffic.
Formerly a reporter for WTHR-TV Channel 13, Jeremy Brilliant is taking a spot on Curtis Hill’s team.
Under a bill proposed Tuesday, cities and towns in Indiana wouldn't be permitted to ban short-term rentals that are found on websites such as Airbnb.
In his first State of the State address, Gov. Eric Holcomb stressed the importance of growing the state’s economy through increasing the skills of existing workers.
One of the bill’s author said it is designed to help parents who are “up against a wall,” and he stressed that it should not be confused as a first step to medical marijuana legalization in the state.
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb will deliver his first State of the State speech Tuesday night, where he is expected to discuss road funding, education and other priorities.
If approved, the plan would not require any future vote on tollways by lawmakers once a specific tolling plan is in place. Instead, it would leave that up to the discretion of the governor.
Those pledging to cut federal taxes to boost the economy might consider looking first at lessons learned in GOP-controlled states, such as Indiana, that adopted similar strategies, only to see growth falter or budget gaps widen.
Republican legislators are considering taking the next step toward adding a balanced budget amendment to the Indiana Constitution, despite claims it’s unnecessary.
Republican legislative leaders say they want to unwind stiff regulations they imposed on Indiana's vaping industry, which created a stranglehold on the burgeoning market for one company and prompted an FBI investigation.
Speaker Brian Bosma said it was "important" for the governor to vocalize his support and convince voters that it is important for the Legislature to raise revenue through increased gas taxes or vehicle fees.
Gov. Eric Holcomb is pushing a plan aimed at attracting new nonstop and direct flights to and from the Indianapolis International Airport.
A bill authored by Rep. Jerry Torr would give the right-of-way to large trucks in roundabouts throughout Indiana. Carmel has already passed a local version of the law.
The plan to skill up Indiana’s adult workforce could help prepare the state to fill an estimated 1 million jobs by 2025, most of which will be openings created by the impending retirements of baby boomers.
The $7,500 annual scholarship will cover about one-third of costs at a public college in Indiana beginning in the 2017-2018 academic year. The median cost in a public college in Indiana is $21,000 per year.
Board members voted unanimously after little discussion Wednesday to endorse Jennifer McCormick as the board’s leader.
Democrats say it’s not enough, particularly in its failure to expand state-funded preschool to more counties.
The Legislature is expected to extend the life of the current test so that a new version can be written and thoroughly vetted before being administered.