
Bosma moves marriage bill to elections committee

House Speaker Brian Bosma said he heard over the weekend from a majority of the members of the Republican caucus who said they wanted a chance to vote on the amendment, which would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

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Bosma ‘exploring options’ for marriage amendment

Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said he’s considering ways to move a constitutional same-sex marriage amendment out of committee and onto the House floor. He said an internal poll found 80 percent of voters want to cast a ballot on the issue.

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State revamps its revenue forecasting after big miss

Growing ranks of dropout workers have nagged the economy throughout its recovery, and now Indiana’s budget forecasters feel they can’t ignore the trend. They recently revised their outlook on state revenue downward, partly because so many Hoosiers stopped looking for jobs.

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New state law might idle school bus fleets

A state law intended to make sure cash-strapped public school districts pay their debt could have an unintended consequence: permanently parking the yellow buses that deliver students to class.

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