
Suit spawns liquor-distribution showdown

Indiana’s largest beer distributor is mounting the latest legal challenge to the state’s arcane, Prohibition-era liquor laws. Indianapolis-based Monarch Beverage Co. Inc. is suing state officials, arguing the company should be able to also supply liquor to bars, restaurants and retail outlets.

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Pence looks to expand education overhaul

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence announced an expansive education plan Tuesday for his second year in office that will include seeking approval for vouchers for preschool-aged children, extending more state help for charter schools and paying for teachers to work in low-income school districts.

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State sells plane, cuts higher ed amid shortfall

State agencies will have to cut their budgets an additional 1.5 percent and state universities will see their state aid clipped by 2 percent as the state looks to make up a $141 million drop in tax collections.

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Pence agenda includes tax cuts, pre-K vouchers

Gov. Mike Pence will ask lawmakers in 2014 to cut more than $1 billion in taxes for businesses, parents and individuals and spend hundreds of millions more on roads, workforce development and preschool for poor Hoosier children.

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