
IDEM: I-69 construction affecting streams

The Indiana Department of Transportation and a contractor on the Interstate 69 project downstate have been cited for more than a dozen deficiencies in preventing erosion and the flow of sediment into streams.

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State to motorists: You break it, you buy it

Crash into a guardrail and chances are now higher that your insurer—or you—will get a repair bill from the Indiana Department of Transportation. INDOT has deployed a new way of tracking damage to state property at crash scenes and quickly collecting money from those responsible.

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Lawmakers eye early finish after contentious start

Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma told House members Thursday that he and Senate President Pro Tem David Long were planning to wrap things up by March 9. The 2012 session is formally scheduled to end by March 14.

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Bill seeks school superintendent contract disclosure

A bill that would require Indiana's school boards to disclose all financial details of proposed superintendent contracts before voting on them drew only positive comments during a public hearing before a legislative panel.

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Utility exec: Coal-gas plant’s ‘time has passed’

A utility executive told a legislative committee Tuesday that a drop in natural gas prices as a result of the nation's shale-gas boom have made a proposed southern Indiana coal-gasification plant a project "whose time has passed."

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13K Indiana foreclosure victims to get $2K checks

Indiana homeowners will receive about $43 million in refinanced loans while other borrowers will get $30 million worth of loan-term modifications and other relief as part of a $25 billion nationwide settlement with the country's biggest mortgage lenders.

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