Lieutenant governor candidates to debate farm issues
Farm issues play a central role in the duties of Indiana's lieutenant governor, who also serves as the state's agriculture secretary.
Farm issues play a central role in the duties of Indiana's lieutenant governor, who also serves as the state's agriculture secretary.
Hoosiers have a pick of candidates looking to succeed Gov. Mitch Daniels who are ready to slash their taxes for them.
Two state ethics rulings have concluded that Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels can lobby the state Legislature for university funding and other matters once he becomes Purdue University's president next year.
The Indiana Office of Tourism Development has named Mark Newman as interim executive director, replacing Amy Vaughan, who had led the tourism agency since 2005.
The new law is only the latest to hit unions with broadsides.
Mike Pence's Republican running mate, lieutenant governor nominee Sue Ellspermann, said Tuesday the state should do more to promote Indiana farm exports. She's also calling for a joint venture in developing new agriculture technology.
Questions remain whether Indiana’s governor will be covered by the state’s “revolving door” law when he becomes president of Purdue University. State ethics rules require a one year cool-down period for public officials after leaving office, preventing them from working as lobbyists.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels asked the three gubernatorial candidates this week for their input as he decides whether to establish a state health insurance exchange.
Indiana gubernatorial candidates John Gregg and Mike Pence both want to help working Hoosiers, but on Tuesday proposed different ways to do it.
Cindy Hoye's life has revolved around fairs since she was a child growing up just 10 minutes from the Indiana State Fairgrounds, but for the past year, that lifelong love has been tainted by tragedy.
The $25.3 billion Indiana Public Retirement System is in the midst of hiring managers to carry out a strategy where more money will be in hedge funds, private equity and real estate than stocks.
Members of the state’s Democratic caucus voted to replace longtime leader Rep. Patrick Bauer on Thursday amid criticism over how he’s handled campaign fundraising and spending heading into the November elections. Rep. Linda Lawson of Hammond was chosen as his replacement.
Reform-minded Superintendent of Public Instruction draws contributions from across the country.
Indiana's Department of Child Services on Wednesday blamed a combination of low pay and job stress stemming from media coverage of the agency for an increasing turnover rate among child caseworkers.
House Minority Leader Patrick Bauer held a Statehouse news conference Wednesday amid reports his caucus would meet Thursday in Lafayette to vote to remove him as its leader.
Representatives of the accounting firm Deloitte told Indiana budget leaders their assessment of what needs to be audited could last through August. The audit itself could take months longer after that.
State Fair Commission Chairman Andre Lacy said the new venue will keep youth hockey games and horse shows going while the Coliseum hosts concerts and other events.
Indiana Republicans opened a line of attack on Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg on Tuesday with the argument that he spent too much of the state's money during his time in the General Assembly.
A state lawmaker plans to sponsor a bill seeking to close a loophole that bars the children of some military families from taking part in Indiana's school voucher program.
The $791 million Hoosier Lottery threw open bidding July 11 for a 10-year contract on marketing, sales and distribution services. The lottery wants to be among the fastest-growing in the country, and it’s looking to the gambling industry to help it reach that goal.