Indiana battles legislative ‘creep’ in short session
Indiana senators have introduced 415 bills so far and House members have filed another 400, including so-called vehicle bills, which act as sort of blank slates for lawmakers to amend ideas onto.
Indiana senators have introduced 415 bills so far and House members have filed another 400, including so-called vehicle bills, which act as sort of blank slates for lawmakers to amend ideas onto.
The battle over the right-to-work issue may be reaching a conclusion in Indiana as the state prepares to become the first to adopt the law in more than a decade, but the argument over exactly what the measure means for a state’s economy is likely to rage on.
State legislators gave their final approval Friday to a bill toughening Indiana’s penalties for sex trafficking, sending it to Gov. Mitch Daniels for him to sign into law ahead of next weekend’s Super Bowl in Indianapolis.
The Indiana House has added an 18-month exemption for bars to a bill calling for a broad statewide smoking ban.
A bill to toughen Indiana's penalties for sex trafficking is on its way to Gov. Mitch Daniels for him to sign into law ahead of next weekend's Super Bowl in Indianapolis.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana's top lawyer said Thursday that a Indiana Senate bill that would allow schools to teach creationism in science classes clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and invites legal challenges.
The Indiana House has approved a bill that would broaden the state's ban on synthetic drugs to include compounds nicknamed "bath salts" and others that mimic marijuana.
Indiana could become the 23rd right-to-work state as early as Wednesday depending on how soon Gov. Mitch Daniels decides to sign the labor bill.
Indiana casinos saw their take from gambling fall in 2011, and new competition in Ohio and perhaps other neighboring states virtually guarantees things will get worse from here.
A bill that could have led to a new mass-transit system in Indianapolis and surrounding counties failed in committee Thursday morning.
Some Indiana legislators are expected to push for exempting bars and certain other locations from a bill calling for a broad statewide smoking ban.
The legislation cleared the Senate Education Committee 8-2 despite pleas from scientists and religious leaders to keep religion out of science classrooms.
The Senate health committee voted 5-4 in support of the bill that requires that a doctor examine a woman in person before giving her RU-486, provide written information about the physical risks of abortion and to schedule a follow-up ultrasound.
On Wednesday, Republican lawmakers cleared the way for right-to-work legislation, which would make it a Class A misdemeanor to require somebody to become a union member or pay union dues as a condition of employment.
An Indiana Senate committee has endorsed allowing fines against government officials found to have blatantly violated the state's open meetings or open record laws.
Indiana's public schools would be required to teach cursive writing and be largely prohibited from starting their school years until late August under bill approved by a legislative committee.
Supporters of new legislation say the wealthy shouldn’t have to leave the state to avoid the tax.
The state's Republican-controlled House of Representatives has cleared the way for Indiana to become the first right-to-work state in the traditionally union-heavy Rust Belt.
In the GOP response to the president's State of the Union address, Daniels cast his party as compassionate and eager to unchain the country's potential.
House Republicans levied more fines Tuesday against Democrats who are boycotting GOP-backed legislation that would bar labor unions from collecting mandatory fees from workers.