Right-to-work bill set for committee vote
An Indiana House panel is expected to OK the legislation, which brought hundreds of union protesters to the Statehouse and sparked a three-day boycott by Democrats.
An Indiana House panel is expected to OK the legislation, which brought hundreds of union protesters to the Statehouse and sparked a three-day boycott by Democrats.
Amazon.com will begin collecting Indiana's 7-percent sales tax from customers in 2014 under an agreement with the state announced Monday.
Gov. Mitch Daniels' top budget official is stepping down after being part of the Indiana governor's administration since he took office seven years ago.
A panel of Indiana lawmakers voted along party lines to move divisive right-to-work legislation to the full House of Representatives. It could pass the House by the end of the week if Democrats continue to attend sessions.
A legislator is proposing that Indiana’s utility consumer counselor be elected rather than appointed by the governor.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' decision to rescind strict new security procedures at the Statehouse took the heat off him and his administration at the start of what was already guaranteed to be a raucous 2012 session.
Indiana House Democrats will have to return to work before an anti-smoking bill and other popular legislation can make it into law.
The Indiana Republican State Committee has agreed to pay back $87,875 in political contributions it received from indicted financier Tim Durham. In addition, a political group supporting Gov. Mitch Daniels agreed to a $10,000 settlement.
A Republican-dominated Indiana Senate committee on Friday endorsed a labor bill that has prompted a two-day standstill in the Indiana House.
Indiana's state tax collections continue to run well ahead of a year ago, with last month's revenue nearly 5 percent greater than in December 2010.
The state missed a Dec. 15 deadline to complete a complicated technology overhaul of its unemployment insurance system—the latest in a series of delays that have added years to the project and led to more than $18 million in cost overruns.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has ambitious plans to build roundabouts at 31 intersections statewide over the next five years, including a dozen in the metro area.
Indiana's House Democrats could be facing major financial pain as they begin a third day blocking a bill that would make Indiana the first state in more than a decade to enact right-to-work legislation.
The bill announced Thursday by Republican Rep. Eric Turner of Cicero would prohibit smoking in most public places and workplaces, including bars.
The ads encouraging Hoosiers to ask lawmakers to oppose the controversial legislation are paid for by Indiana’s AFL-CIO.
An Indiana Senate committee has endorsed a proposal toughening penalties for those convicted of human sex trafficking that legislators hope to pass before next month's Super Bowl.
String of controversial reforms draw campaign contributions, ire of opponents.
Patrick Bauer, the leader of Indiana’s House Democrats, hinted Wednesday that party lawmakers may walk out for the second year in a row to oppose the same Republican-led right-to-work bill thwarted last year by their five-week boycott.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has rescinded new Statehouse security rules that put a 3,000-person limit on the number of people allowed in the building at any one time.
A judge has ruled that Charlie White can remain as Indiana's secretary of state until a higher court has reviewed the ruling that ousted him from office.