
Big budget cuts will make for bitter state politics

As Indiana’s reserves dwindle toward zero and federal stimulus money disappears, trying to keep political debate friendly
and the budget in the black will be quite a challenge. Half a year before they must craft the next state budget, Democrats
and Republicans already are squabbling.

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Indiana: IBM welfare intake work flawed from start

The state is suing IBM for more than $1.3 billion, claiming the company breached one of the biggest outsourcing deals in state
history. IBM wants Indiana to pay $52.8 million it says it’s owed in deferred payments and equipment costs.

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Lawsuit: State takes too long on jobless appeals

John Gorman, who worked for the same company for 31 years before he was fired in December, has been waiting on a decision
for at least 100 days, and he still hasn't received his unemployment check, according to the American Civil Liberties
Union of Indiana.

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New securities law lets some victims recoup losses

A new state law allows the securities commissioner to award up to $15,000 or 25 percent of unrecovered awards to victims who
can prove that a court or other agency awarded restitution for fraud that occurs after July 1 of this year.

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Initiative aims to cut Indiana prison costs

Indiana will soon get its first comprehensive review of the state's criminal code and sentencing policies since 1976,
and officials hope the project will save taxpayer money and reduce how frequently released inmates return to prison

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