
Daniels warns of more cuts amid revenue declines

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels warned Thursday morning that more state budget cuts could be forthcoming in light of a prolonged
drop in
tax collections. Indiana collected $3.3 billion in total revenue during the fiscal first quarter, 14 percent less than the
same period last year.

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Indiana wants to trim cost of educating inmates

Indiana’s efforts to cut the cost of educating prison inmates could increase competition among the state’s colleges, with
Ivy Tech leading the way. The State Student Assistance Commission is considering capping the amount it spends on state prison
inmates at $120 per credit hour, prompting colleges already facing strapped budgets to worry about keeping their contracts
with the Department of Correction.

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Panel discusses possible changes in redistricting

An interim legislative committee is likely to recommend that new guidelines be established for Indiana lawmakers to follow
when they redraw legislative and congressional maps in 2011, a state senator said Tuesday.

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Indiana turns away booze-distribution heavyweight

The Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission has voted to deny liquor and wine permits for Southern Wine & Spirits of
America Inc., the nation’s largest liquor distributor, citing concerns over a track record of anti-competitive behavior.

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Next year’s State Fair to feature Japanese exhibit

Japanese culture will be on display at the Indiana State Fair next year. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced today, while
traveling on a economic development mission in Japan, that the Asian country will be featured in its own exhibit at the fair
for the first time in 2010.

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