
These are leaders?

Whether it’s structuring local government to fit the 21st century, financing sports stadiums, achieving property tax reform or putting the state’s unemployment fund on sound footing, our leaders consistently show their failure to lead.

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Pension merger raises questions

We’re generally supportive of a plan to merge the state’s two largest public pensions in an effort to save money, but it’s
hard to know exactly what to think considering the lack of detailed information available about the performance of the funds.

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PERF confusion

I am not at all sure that a merger of two public pension plans is not a good idea, possibly just not under current investment management auspices.

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CAFE standards not as effective as gasoline tax

The Obama administration recently reversed a Bush-era policy that prevented states from imposing some of their own environmental policies with respect to corporate average fuel efficiency, or CAFE, standards.

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Workplace smoking policies move backward

The bill in question seems like a long shot. It would abdicate government’s responsibility for protecting citizens’ health
and safety, and place it in the hands of individual business owners.

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Stimulus talk creates uncertainty at Statehouse

Stimulus talk continues to dominate discussion at the Indiana Statehouse, creating indecision for lawmakers who were supposed to be devoting their full attention to assembling a two-year budget under difficult economic circumstances.

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