Indiana lawmakers won’t return for one-day session on COVID-19 legislation
Legislative leaders said they now will plan to address COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the public health emergency during the regular session in January.
Legislative leaders said they now will plan to address COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the public health emergency during the regular session in January.
Republican leaders are trying to speed legislation through the Indiana General Assembly that would effectively force private employers that mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for employees to allow for any medical or religious exemptions—no questions asked.
The bill is set on an extraordinary fast track for approval, with a single public hearing scheduled for Tuesday at the Statehouse followed by the House and Senate voting on final approval six days later.
Many conservatives have criticized Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb for continuing to extend the monthly public health order, which he has renewed 20 times, although he has signaled he might not to do so again.
The Holcomb administration hasn’t provided information on contributors to the project or to which entity that money was being given.
The Republican-dominated Legislature has not taken any action on bills submitted over the past decade for allowing medical marijuana or removing criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of the drug.
One Indiana project likely to be expedited as a result is widening interstates 65 and 70 to six lanes the full length and breadth of the state.
Indiana’s governor is facing pressure from fellow Republicans to end the statewide COVID-19 public health emergency order that’s been in place since March 2020 even as the state has seen a recent jump of infections and hospitalizations.
Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers plans to leave her position at the end of the 2022 legislative session, ending a nearly 13-year run in the job, the governor’s office announced Tuesday morning.
Business tax cuts and nixing government-imposed vaccine mandates will be among the legislative priorities for Indiana Chamber of Commerce next year, and top GOP lawmakers mostly appear to be on the same page.
The decision to not resume the posting of wait times comes as the agency is still looking to fill staff vacancies that contributed to numerous temporary branch closures around the state during September and October.
Indiana’s surging state tax collections have the governor in discussions on whether tax cuts should be considered during the upcoming legislative session.
Despite the state’s long-standing refusal to legalize marijuana, the Delta-8 THC derivative is being sold thanks to a legal gray area that many state officials would rather not talk about.
Mike Leppert, a former lobbyist, has written a novel, “Flipping the Circle,” that tells a fictionalized version of efforts at the Indiana General Assembly to create a monopoly for e-liquid vaping products.
Using tax incentives , an EV commission and membership in a regional network promoting EV infrastructure, the Holcomb administration is looking to increase EV manufacturing statewide.
Republican governors or attorneys general in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and South Dakota said Thursday they would file lawsuits against the mandate.
Following his retirement from the Indiana House last year, Brian Bosma joined political consulting firm 1816 Public Affairs as a senior consultant, but he couldn’t register as a lobbyist until observing a one-year “cooling-off period.”
The funding is part of the Community Crossings grant program, which provides matching state dollars for local road and bridge construction projects.
Indiana’s attorney general continues to criticize Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb for trying to block a new law that gives state legislators more power to intervene during public health emergencies, even while agreeing that the state Supreme Court should take up the dispute.
Indianapolis’ Department of Public Works is proposing a list of strategies to shrink federal floodplain boundaries, as well as to decrease the severity of water damage in the flood-prone neighborhood.