GOP statewide officeholders all win re-election
Republicans will maintain control over Indiana’s statewide elected offices, as the GOP on Tuesday easily swept races for secretary of state, treasurer and auditor.
Republicans will maintain control over Indiana’s statewide elected offices, as the GOP on Tuesday easily swept races for secretary of state, treasurer and auditor.
With two-thirds of precincts reporting, Ford held a 57 percent to 43 percent lead over Delph.
Voters have approved an amendment to the Indiana Constitution obligating the General Assembly to adopt balanced budgets unless two-thirds of the members of both chambers vote to suspend the requirement.
Amazon is approaching its end-of-year deadline for deciding where it will locate the $5 billion campus, and two national newspapers reported over the weekend that an area in northern Virginia is far along in negotiations.
Rabbis Dennis and Sandy Sasso discuss the local impact of the massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue, what it might mean for proposed hate-crimes legislation in Indiana, and why they continually return to the question of proper leadership.
According to the air permit application, the plant would have annual emissions of about 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, 225 tons of carbon monoxide and 120 tons of sulfur dioxide.
The cameras would be mounted to the outside of buses and would take pictures of drivers who pass when the stop arm is deployed. Law enforcement agencies could then use the pictures to issue charges or citations.
Rep. Tim Brown, R-Crawfordsville, was critically injured in a motorcycle accident Sept. 12 near the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan.
“Multiple eyewitnesses provided statements that Hill’s conduct was inappropriate, ‘creepy,’ unwelcome, and made many of the women at the party uncomfortable,” the report from the Indiana Inspector General’s Office stated.
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill allegedly groped a state lawmaker and three legislative staffers at an Indianapolis bar during a March 15 party to mark the end of the legislative session.
Special Prosecutor Dan Sigler said there was “insufficient evidence” of Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill’s “intent to touch the victims in a rude, insolent or angry manner to constitute a battery.”
Rep. Linda Lawson, D-Hammond, sent a letter to House Ethics Chairman Greg Steuerwald on Monday that requested the committee investigate whether Speaker Brian Bosma violated House ethics rules “and whether his re-election campaign acted in the ‘best interest of the citizens of the state.’”
The report commissioned by the Indiana Gaming Commission recommended that lawmakers take action during the 2019 session, saying the risks of delaying it “clearly outweigh the rewards.”
Indiana lawmakers listened to more than three hours of testimony Thursday afternoon about whether Indiana should allow for medical marijuana usage but did not come to any consensus on the issue.
The amendment would prohibit the Indiana General Assembly from adopting a budget that spends more than the state earns in revenue.
In Marion County, a total of 1,309 voters cast a ballot during the first three days of early voting last week. That’s nearly triple the amount of early voting during the same time period in 2014 for the last midterm election.
The raises that will take effect Wednesday for more than 3,600 employees, or about 87 percent of the agency's staff.
Rules that prevent organizations from providing even small compensation to the volunteers running their charitable games make it hard for these all-volunteer groups to stay in business.
The group says the revised plan for the north-split interchange falls short on increasing connectivity between neighborhoods separated by the interstates, and boosting economic development opportunities.
A committee assigned to study hate crimes legislation decided this week to punt further discussions to the Indiana General Assembly, making no specific recommendation for the 2019 legislative session.