
FEIGENBAUM: Lawmakers belatedly turn attention to gambling

After an interim study committee—stacked with lawmakers favorable to gambling interests—recommended a series of items to help Indiana’s casinos and racinos compete with expanded gambling options in Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, it took until Feb. 12 for the principal bill to be heard in a House committee.

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FEIGENBAUM: Big agenda awaits 2015 General Assembly

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The fact that snow stopped falling, temperatures started climbing, and tulips tentatively inched up from the frozen Hoosier tundra just as lawmakers left town actually has no direct connection to the end of the 2014 legislative session.

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FEIGENBAUM: Big week ahead for unfinished Pence agenda

March 3 and 4, respectively, mark the final days for third reading of Senate bills in the House, and third reading of House bills in the Senate. Those deadlines are a significant milestone, because we’re now finished with hearings by standing committees.

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FEIGENBAUM: Lawmakers press ahead on education issues

The business community has turned a keen collective eye to a passel of bills that seek to improve education, including measures that would authorize Indianapolis Public Schools to enter into an agreement with a school-management team to establish innovative network schools, allow charter school support to be distributed at the organizer level; and create a career and technical education diploma.

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Much of ambitious legislative agenda remains alive

Despite concerns that debating a constitutional amendment defining marriage would rip our state apart, that didn’t happen and the General Assembly has proven quite productive—as well as judicious in deciding what issues not to become entangled in during the “short” session.

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Lawmakers begin to shift focus beyond HJR 3

Following the initial rounds of jockeying surrounding HJR 3, the definition of marriage constitutional amendment, lawmakers can redirect their attention to other matters of substance for a few weeks. This week marks the initial third reading deadline, the final stage for passage of legislation in its chamber of origin, and many important pieces of legislation […]

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