
KENNEDY: Hobby Lobby’s unintended consequences

All eyes are on the Hobby Lobby lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court. Most of the commentary revolves around whether a for-profit corporation should be able to disregard a law of general application if that law offends its shareholder/owners’ “sincerely held” religious beliefs.

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RUSTHOVEN: Donnelly wisely bucks his president

On March 5, Joe Donnelly joined six other Senate Democrats and all Republicans, including Dan Coats, in rejecting President Obama’s nomination of Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Hoosier senators did the right thing.

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KENNEDY: We’re getting what we deserve

Anyone who has ever written a book, mounted a PR campaign or started a new business has confronted a threshold question: Who’s your audience? Who will read your book, be persuaded by your campaign, or buy your widget?

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KENNEDY: The costs of rejecting science

Count me among the many Hoosiers increasingly dismayed by the assault on science from people who seem threatened by the notion that empirical evidence might conflict with their worldviews.

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RUSTHOVEN: Obama’s shifting sands of definitions

When this column first talked about Obamacare, a reader called the term disrespectful. The president disagreed—well, he did in 2012—saying he was "fond of this term" and "actually like[s] the name, because I do care—that's why we fought so hard to make it happen."

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KENNEDY: Thinking outside the bank

Let me begin with a caveat: I’m no expert on financial services or the economics of banking. Like most middle-class Americans, my interactions with banking are all decidedly “retail”—checking and savings accounts, mortgages and car loans.

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RUSTHOVEN: The House made the right decision

In January, this conservative testified to the Legislature on behalf of Freedom Indiana against the then-version of the proposed Indiana constitutional amendment on gay marriage. Here’s why.

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KENNEDY: Goodbye and good riddance

State and local corruption flourishes as coverage evaporates; nationally, bought-and-paid-for Congressmen and Senators pass legislation benefitting their donors and patrons at the expense of other Americans.

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RUSTHOVEN: The media misunderstands tax cuts

Gov. Mike Pence just “outlined an aggressive agenda to bolster education and job initiatives along with a proposal to eliminate the business personal property tax.” The words are from Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute President John Ketzenberger, longtime journalist and longtime friend.

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KENNEDY: A troubling response

Semester end is hectic for college professors. Research papers and final examinations must be graded, last-minute pleas from students who realize they haven’t performed or who feel entitled to special accommodations must be moderated, committees that haven’t completed their assigned tasks during the preceding months must meet—and of course there’s the added stress of the holidays.

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KENNEDY: So many reasons to be thankful

Thanksgiving is my family’s favorite holiday, not just because it is the one time of the year when all the far-flung relatives assemble, but also because it is an opportunity to consider how incredibly fortunate we are.

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RUSTHOVEN: An Indiana Obamacare snapshot

Obamacare’s calamitous launch, including the widening gap between promise and reality, continues to consume political discourse. Here’s a quick summary of Indiana’s status:

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KENNEDY: Coats’ religion is no defense

Americans have been using religion to argue for and against laws since the country was founded. Proponents and opponents of slavery both pointed to Bible verses justifying their positions. Opponents of equal rights for women claimed suffrage violated God’s law.

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