
Medical device firm eyeing Indianapolis growth

Greatbatch Medical wants to expand its facility on the east side of Indianapolis to accommodate its entrance into the orthopedics
market. The
New York-based company specializes in cardiovascular products.

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House Speaker pushes IEDC over job-creation numbers

Pat Bauer sent Indiana Secretary of Commerce Mitch Roob a letter formally requesting the Indiana Economic Development Corp.
disclose public records about promises companies gave the state in exchange for job-creation incentives.

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Blue Bell ice cream coming to Indianapolis

Texas-based Blue Bell Creameries will begin selling its ice cream in nine metropolitan Meijer stores beginning April 5. Distribution
will be assisted by the building of a 12,000-square-foot facility on the northwest side.

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Finish Line forfeits incentive deal

Mall retailer The Finish Line Inc. has agreed to forfeit a potentially lucrative tax-abatement deal because it won’t be able
to meet a 2008 promise to create almost 200 jobs and invest $24 million at its Indianapolis headquarters.

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