
Angel Learning’s founder thinking big again

IT professor Ali Jafari, who netted Indiana University $23 million on its $130,000 investment in his Angel Learning when it sold three years ago, recently launched CourseNetworking, which allows learners across the globe to connect and chat around shared interests and class subjects.

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ALTOM: What matters most, privacy or convenience?

As our devices become more aware of our travels, our preferences, our contacts, our messages, our photographs and even our dexterity, the line between convenience and spying is crossed without us even being aware of it.

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Techies pressing again for direct Silicon Valley flights

High-tech firms have been clamoring for a couple of decades for nonstop flights between Indianapolis International Airport and California’s Silicon Valley. One of Indiana’s tech icons made it clear recently that the need is as urgent as ever.

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Startups launch apps to facilitate good deeds

Two startup firms, Cause.It LLC and Trensy LLC, have created tools that link charitable behavior and consumption. Like the hit app Foursquare, the newcomers encourage users to “check in” when they show up at events or complete activities so they can earn rewards offered by local businesses.

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Judge rejects some of Indiana’s claims against IBM

The core issue in a dispute over a project to modernize Indiana's welfare system — whether IBM breached the billion-dollar contract — wasn't addressed when a judge dismissed 17 of the state's claims against the computer giant, an attorney for the state said Monday.

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