Brightpoint stock sinks on proposed AT&T deal
Brightpoint Inc. stock slumped more than 15 percent Monday after AT&T Inc. announced a $39 billion agreement to buy T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom AG. It continued to slip Tuesday morning.
Brightpoint Inc. stock slumped more than 15 percent Monday after AT&T Inc. announced a $39 billion agreement to buy T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom AG. It continued to slip Tuesday morning.
The company, one of the city’s largest technology firms, is on the newspaper’s list of top 50 venture-funded firms.
Fortville manufacturer plans $3.3 million expansion
Locally based wireless phone distributor plans to spend more than $15 million for a stake in a Miami-based company focused on Latin America.
Aprimo Inc. ratchets up customers, sales and market presence under new owner Teradata, and will continue job growth plans for Indianapolis.
More than 100 local technology entrepreneurs will depart Thursday for what some call the Super Bowl of the startup world: the South by Southwest Interactive Conference.
The city of Indianapolis plans to launch a free application for Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches that will allow residents to report potholes, high weeds or stray dogs as they spot them.
Deregulation of monopolies tends to almost always make consumers better off. Indiana’s broad and effective telecommunications reform of 2006 is a classic example of this.
Elevate Ventures could attract an additional $30 million in matching federal and private funding to support entrepreneurs statewide, Indiana Economic Development Corp. officials say.
The local distributor of wireless phones has filed suit against Massachusetts-based Emptoris Inc., and is looking to recoup millions of dollars it paid the company in addition to the amount it says it spent trying to fix the problem.
The Obama administration is creating a $4.5 million partnership between the private sector and government to help Midwest manufacturers access high-tech computing to speed up design cycles for future products.
Indianapolis-based Interactive Intelligence Inc. has acquired Agori Communications in an all-cash transaction, announced Tuesday morning.
Carmel-based ChaCha Search Inc., operator of an online question-and-answer site, sued Taiwanese company HTC Corp. for trademark infringement over the planned introduction of a smartphone called the ChaCha.
The group plans to honor young professionals and clean technology/energy innovation endeavors.
Indiana-based Omnicity Corp. has filed countersuits against the owners of two companies it acquired who are charging in court that Omnicity failed to fully pay them for the acquisitions.
Boost Media & Entertainment’s MyStationApp targets independent radio stations such as WTTS-FM 92.3 in Bloomington, which is having success with the product.
Franciscan Alliance will spend more than $100 million over the next two years to install a common electronic medical record system at its 13 hospitals and more than 165 physician practices. It’s a sign of the growth of the health information technology industry in Indiana, which a new BioCrossroads report says generates $200 million a year in sales and is growing at 8 percent annually.
Social media seems to be the talk (or, um, tweet) of the town these days. While hundreds of millions of people are using these tech media to interact with one another, the question investors are trying to answer is, what are these businesses worth?
E.Com Technologies LLC, which serves the large Centennial subdivision in Westfield, cannot expand its service territory without the state agency’s permission. Charges of anti-competitive behavior led to the decision.